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Cornwall Rally, Sept 2013
Rally Book cover
At Lands End, John Peterson and Hannebeth Knudsen from Denmark and their 1929 car GVO9
Silver Ghost 79RMM
The late David Else poses with his 1928 GKM30
Our hotel, The Polurrian at Mullian with the late David Mitchell's 1927 car GHJ15
View of the Polurrian Hotel from Mullion beach
Hotel Lounge
Entertainment from Cadgwith Singers
All parked up in hotel car park
Lunch at the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club
Examining a Phantom engine while waiting for the boat
Still waiting for the boat
Here comes the boat
Making the most of the blowy weather
1929 car GVO9 owned by John Petersen and Hannebeth Knudsen from Denmark
Driving across Dartmoor at night
Encountering a ghostly pub on Dartmoor at night