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David and Jane Else

1927 Binder saloon GKM30


Sadly David Else died in August 2018 following a rapid decline with bone cancer. David was a stalwart of the 20 Register, the Northern Section, and the RREC club. Over a period of 26 years he and Jane covered 141,000 miles on more than 70 rallies in their GKM30. He was a professional engineer and was always ready to offer help and advice to members who came to him with technical questions and problems.

David joined Shell as an apprentice at the age of 16 and worked aboard gas tankers; by 1986 he was given the opportunity to retire early and was soon introduced to Eric Payne who in turn introduced David and Jane to the joys of Silver Ghost motoring. They bought GKM30 in 1992. On rallies David was popular and a real asset: he helped with the initial planning of routes and hotels, helped when others’ cars did not work properly, and he and Jane produced DVD recordings of our tours which are treasured by all participants. David leaves his wife Jane, together with children and grandchildren.

GKM30 was bodied in France by Binder and fitted with Grebel lights. David kept it in original condition as far as possible. He even refused to fit an overdrive in spite of the enormous number of miles they drove on Continental tours. Before David, it spent some years in the USA. The car is now owned by a person living in Cambridge.