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John Fasal

1922 Barker barrel sided tourer 42G0


42G0 is the earliest most original Barker TWENTY known to survive.

John also owns GVO29 a 1929 Park Ward single drop head coupe Registration UV 2980 which is the 20th from last surviving Twenty, a picture of this car will be added shortly.  Click [here] to see the car when owned by Mark Snell who wanted to sell it in 2020 prior to John owning it.

John is the author of the definitive book on 20hp's "The Rolls-Royce Twenty". It includes the history, design & development, coachwork and a complete list of the twenty chassis. It extends to no fewer than 560 pages, a must have bible for most 20hp owners.


Please click here to open the magazine The Flying Lady March / April 2022 which has an article detailing the history of the car, 42GO.  See pages 28-33.